Welcome to Sixth Form | Pipers Corner School

Welcome to Sixth Form

As students consider their options for Sixth Form as early as Year 10, we wanted to share with students and their parents an insight into the Sixth Form.

We firmly believe in the Pipers' Advantage, the pillars of which form the basis of the two-year experience. It's so much more than just an incredible environment and space, it's about a flexible, bespoke and supportive Sixth Form, helping students to manage the transition from Year 11 into the Lower Sixth. It's about developing students intellectual strengths and interests through a unique blend of independent learning and expert guidance.

It's about cultivating skills that extend far beyond the conventional curriculum. It's about enrichment beyond the classroom, where young adults can discover their distinct difference and carve unique pathways to success through active participation and engagement. It's about allowing these young adults the platform to grow in confidence in a secure and happy environment. As they progress through the course, they learn career-led skills that help bridge the gap between academic learning and real world application.

Academic Excellence

Our exceptional A Level results speak for themselves - with over 47% A*-A and an incredible 82% A*-B - our A Level Results are comparable with local leading state grammar schools, as well as those academic independent Schools like Berkhamsted and the Royal Masonic Schools.

A Level Results 2023 & Leavers' Destinations

A Level Course Guide



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Student-led department

Leadership is a fundamental skill for young adults, at Pipers there are countless opportunities for students to take an instrumental role in the organisation of our school.

Some opportunities for the Sixth Form include:

  • Becoming a Prefect, a Head of House or Head Girl
  • Sitting on the Inclusion Committee
  • Being a Subject Leader, helping to tutor younger students
  • Running a radio show for Pipers Radio
  • Starting a business in Young Enterprise
  • Working with students to create the School Magazine
  • Mentoring younger students

Students are encouraged to push the boundaries of the curriculum, to refine their skills within their chosen subjects as they strive to fulfil their academic potential.

Achieve beyond expectation

Under the guidance of our dedicated staff, our students:

  • Challenge what they know.
  • Analyse what they learn.
  • Explore new ideas.

Pipers Corner provides a breadth of experience, our students are expected to take advantage of every academic, personal and social opportunity on offer. We offer a wealth of enrichment and extra-curricular activities for students. 

Young Enterprise is a popular activity for students and there is a culture of excellence and our students' innovation has seen them reach the regional stage of the competition for the past six years, and our 2019 Team won the national competition and represented the UK in the European Finals in Lille, France.

Teachers prepare and support students’ progress towards examinations while our Careers department assists with preparing students for life beyond Pipers, from university applications, work experience and post-higher education choices.

"It’s clear they enjoy teaching the girls, describing them as a ‘pleasure’ and ‘receptive to learning’. Parents love the ‘good rapport’ they have with pupils – ‘They really got the best out of our daughter,’ reported one."

Good Schools Guide

Entry to Sixth Form

Girls progress into Sixth Form from our Year 11 cohort but we also accept external candidates currently studying at another school. For further details, visit our Admissions page.

Alternatively, listen to the fantastic Pipers Podcast, hosted by Emma H (2023-2024 Head Girl) who interviews Zoe Galvin our Registrar, and here you will get all you need to know about Year 12 entry

Apply Today

Don't just take our Word for it...

During our Sixth Form Open Evening in November, members of the Pipers Radio Academy took to the airwaves, to interview subject leaders and students studying the subject at A Level. If you would like to get in insight into the subjects at A Level, choose a subject from the list below:

Learn more from the Head of Sixth Form