Years 7-8 | Pipers Corner School

Years 7-8

We support students in developing informed opinions and independent minds; whilst also equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to realise their personal ambitions and aspirations.

Each student is encouraged to add value to their academic credentials during their time at Pipers and, to this end, we consistently encourage them to exceed their expectations. Students are taught there is no direct linear path to success, inner-resolve and intellectual risk taking are all essentials life skills that prepare our students for life beyond Pipers.

Our curriculum is all about breadth and balance, giving students the opportunity to experience a broad range of core subjects. This insight into a broad curriculum, provides students with the opportunity to consider which subjects they might wish to pursue for their GCSE options in Year 9 and beyond.

    The core subjects are English, Mathematics and Science. Students build upon fundamental literacy, numeracy and scientific skills whilst specialist teachers introduce more complex concepts. The curriculum promotes discussion, sparking curiosity and fostering a desire to understand how the topic fits into the world, and how it relates to their other subjects.

    English and Maths are grouped with other students of similar ability and teaching needs from Year 7, and Science from Year 8 at which point it divides into its specialisms (Biology, Chemistry and Physics). Departments organise regular surgeries and drop in sessions, to offer extra support and extension tasks.

    Students in Years 7 and 8 have at least one lesson every week for each of the creative arts - Art, Drama, Dance and Music.
    They get to express themselves creatively and develop their confidence as there are plenty of opportunities to showcase their work. Annual events include the Senior Drama production, Junior Dance Show, half-termly informal music concerts and the annual Art and Textiles exhibition.

    We offer a Technology carousel so students get to see through projects from development to fruition.

    • Food and Nutrition
    • Design Technology
    • Textiles
    • IT

    Their learning includes the exploration of the science and skills of catering, designing and crafting their own bird feeders, sewing their own bee- design cushion covers and learning how to use different software in IT.

    Our Humanities faculty covers History, Geography and Religious Studies. Students get to learn about the world around them through these varied disciplines, while simultaneously developing essential life skills such as communication and analytical and critical thinking.

    The vast majority of students take two Modern Foreign languages: French and either German or Spanish. At the beginning of Year 7 pupils choose which second language they want to study.

    Students have two double lessons every week with a carousel of activities throughout the year. Sports on offer from Year 7 include hockey, netball, gymnastics, rounders, tennis, cricket and swimming in our pool.. Additionally, there are plenty of extra-curricular clubs and a competitive programme of sports fixtures against local schools as well as the opportunity to test our skills in national competitions.

    Known in other schools as PSHE, Life Skills is a subject that aims to develop an appreciation of each student's place in the community, moral values and responsibility. It also covers personal health and well-being and social, political and economic issues.

    Our students have weekly lessons in our Life Skills classroom which unusually for a classroom has no desks or chairs, instead focus is on removing shoes and stepping on to the plush weaved carpet enabling students to step away from academic studies and focus on other aspects of their own growth and development.

    Those students that find a field or interest in which they shine, are encouraged to challenge themselves and their teachers in learning about the subject in even greater depth. All students are given the skills and aptitude to support advanced-level learning as they aspire to reach the highest grades possible. Stretching the intellectual curiosity of the most-able students through the Super-Curricular enrichment programme takes many forms. Extending study beyond the curriculum in this way allows students to become independent thinkers and motivated learners, and is supported by our wide range of extra-curricular activities.