Exploring Ecuador for World Challenge | News | Pipers Corner School

Exploring Ecuador for World Challenge

Exploring Ecuador for World Challenge
Events and Trips Pre-Prep and Prep

This summer 14 Sixth Form girls from Pipers took part in a once in a lifetime World Challenge expedition to Ecuador. The experience saw the girls hiking, trekking, volunteering and enjoying all that the Latin American country had to offer.

Bethan T and Clara E (Upper Sixth) gave the following report on their experience.

World Challenge’s aim is to give young people an opportunity to travel to an under-developed country in order to discover and learn from different cultures, whist also giving back to others through community project work.

We had to organise our own transport, food for every meal and book accommodation, which proved to be challenging given that only one of the team could speak Spanish.  Our Spanish may still not be up to scratch, but we took a lot away from being in South America and experiencing their unique culture. We all agreed that it was completely different from anywhere we had ever been before.

We were in charge of our expedition, supported by James, a World Challenge leader. Miss Poore and Mrs Stringer were also with us all the way providing support and encouragement.

From experiencing an earthquake to walking through the amazon rainforest at night, from white water rafting to eating guinea pig, whale watching and camping in the northern Andes. From  meeting friendly locals, to painting a primary school, straddling the equator and seeing the most amazing shooting stars at night - we certainly managed to cram a huge amount into our trip.

We will take every memory and treasure it, as this was the trip of a lifetime. It was the most incredible life changing trip which has left us not only with great memories, but also an important understanding about the world around us.

To everyone in the lower years at Pipers, or indeed anyone reading this, who are thinking about going on a World Challenge expedition, we would all say “go for it!” Take the opportunity as it may not come around again. You will make many amazing memories to look back on and friends for life.

For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | www.facebook.com/PipersCornerSchool | @PipersCornerSch

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Exploring Ecuador for World Challenge