Presenting a Positive Image | News | Pipers Corner School

Presenting a Positive Image

Presenting a Positive Image
Year 9

On 28 June, girls in Year 9 at Pipers Corner joined forces with thousands of people from across the UK when they staged a Body Love Flashmob event in support of a positive body image campaign organised by “Body Gossip”.

Body Gossip is a positive body image campaign working to banish body shame and encouraging everyone to be the best version of themselves. The idea behind the Flashmob event was to make a stand against the messages we are bombarded with on a daily basis by advertisers and some sectors of the beauty, media and fashion industries telling us that we are not good enough for commercial gain.

Body Gossip asked people to declare that they are proud of who they are by holding up a heart shaped piece of paper for 3 minutes with something they love about their body written on it.

The girls from Pipers who took part hoped that the Flashmob would inspire the other girls at Pipers Corner to love their body image and embrace it.

Ms E Maassen, Head of Boarding, tweeted “Pipers Corner Year 9s rocked the Flashmob at school today.  Love your work #BodyLove.”



Images show: Year 9 Flashmob


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy | Senior Marketing Executive | Pipers Corner School | 01494 719 850 |  [email protected] | @PipersCornerSCH

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