Wellbeing during Exams and Assessments | News | Pipers Corner School

Wellbeing during Exams and Assessments

Wellbeing during Exams and Assessments
Whole School

Wellbeing is of the utmost importance here at Pipers and nevermore so than during times of assessments and exams.  Taking care of oneself during times of stress is crucial, and we take the responsibility of providing support and guidance to our students seriously.

Our Head of Wellbeing, Mrs Wilde, runs tailored workshops during exam times, whether they be official examinations, Mocks or end of year assessments. These workshops teach practical strategies that help manage stress and offer advice on how to look after physical and mental wellbeing while studying.

Outside of the scheduled workshops, all students are invited to drop into the Wellbeing Room, which operates an open-door policy, for tips and advice on optimising their wellbeing in the lead up to exams.  The support that Mrs Wilde will offer may be something as straightforward as ensuring that students are getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet and generally looking after their physical wellbeing which can often be neglected.  When students take care of their physical health, they are able to concentrate and have the energy needed to study effectively, so this type of ‘check-in’, though simple, is incredibly valuable.


Taking steps to maintain mental wellbeing is encouraged, and this can often start with managing time and organising study in a way that feels positive and motivating – ensuring study environments are calm and notes are presented in a way that works for the individual.  The Wellbeing Room is a peaceful environment that has been carefully curated as a space to reflect, seek support, practice mindfulness or to just take a break from the revision schedule before anything gets too overwhelming – sometimes all that is needed is a ‘re-set’ – and the Wellbeing Room is the ideal space to provide it.

We understand that a young person's thoughts, feelings and emotions underpin their ability to learn and prosper - maintaining a positive mindset and focusing on personal growth and development can help students approach exam time with a healthier perspective. Mrs Wilde has recommended the following sources of support and information for students and their families during exam and assessment time:

The Wellbeing Hub 

Revision & Mocks: Advice for Parents by Lizzie Mitchell, University Lecturer & Tutor -https://club.teentips.co.uk/resources/8349/

How To Revise Effectively: https://club.teentips.co.uk/tips_pupils/how-to-revise-effectively/


‘Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning’ by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel  - This book explains the science behind learning and offers tips for retaining information and improving memory.

Calm App: This app offers guided meditations and relaxation exercises that can help reduce stress and improve focus.


Pomodoro Technique - This time management technique involves breaking study sessions into focused 25-minute intervals, with short breaks in between, and can help students stay focused and avoid burnout.

Your textbooks and class notes - Make sure to review all course materials thoroughly and regularly, and to seek clarification from your instructors if needed.


Talk to a member of Pipers pastoral team if you require further academic or emotional wellbeing support – they are there to help! Here is a breakdown of the student wellbeing pathways at Pipers.

Read more about our approach to wellbeing at Pipers, and the resources available to our students and their families.



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Wellbeing during Exams and Assessments